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Call Vermont South

Podiatry today on

(03) 9802 0077 

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Call Vermont South

Podiatry today on

(03) 9802 0077 


Complete range of podiatry services including specialised care for diabetics in Vermont South

Professional Staff

Here at Vermont South Podiatry, our podiatrists provide a complete range of services for all foot conditions. We offer exceptional care for the whole family, including routine nail, corn and callous treatment, diabetic foot assessments, diabetic foot ulcer management, orthotic therapy, footwear advice and nail surgery.

Our services include:

  • Diabetic care – We can assess your level of risk of developing foot complications by performing a simple diabetic foot assessment. Your circulation will be tested using a Doppler, which can detect changes in blood flow and heart rhythm.  Sensation is then tested using a monofilament (light touch) and a tuning fork. This procedure indicates whether neuropathy (reduced or absent nerve function) is present in the feet. Diabetic foot ulcer dressing and management is also available.

  • Foot orthoses – When prescribing orthoses, we will fully assess your feet and tailor the appropriate orthoses to meet your needs. Footwear advice is also provided, as well as any modifications that you may require after the initial wearing-in period. Depth footwear in various widths (M-XW) is also available.

  • Nail surgery – Permanent removal of part or the whole nail is sometimes required when dealing with recurrent problems with ingrown toenails. This is done in our clinic under local anaesthetic and you will be able to walk immediately after the procedure. Keep in mind that not all ingrown toenails require surgical removal and regular podiatry visits can manage and prevent ingrown toenails in many cases.
relaxed feet

Is foot pain affecting your life? Speak to our experienced podiatrists today to see how we can help you. Call us now on (03) 9802 0077

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